A Prayer for Our Political Leaders

Posted on the 07 June 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Given the state of the world and the sorry condition of our beloved America, at the same time as we exercise the power of the pen by informing ourselves and others, we also need to wield an even more powerful weapon — the power of prayer.

This prayer was penned by FOTM’s reader pnordman years ago for Richard Nixon. The prayer has been published in many publications, and Patricia received a gracious thank-you note from Ronald Reagan when she had sent him a copy when he became president.

You can also read her prayer on pnordman’s website, here.


A Prayer for Our Leaders

By Patricia Erwin Nordman

Holy Spirit, we come before You this day in humility and gratitude to plead for Your blessings upon those who govern to insure our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Grant them in abundance Your gifts of:


that they may always be guided to place the spiritual good of communities and the nation as the highest good.

that they may recognize the simplicity of truth.

that they may recognize the will of God under circumstances that discourage lesser men and women.

that they may be given the spiritual and physical strength to accept the inevitable burdens of leadership with courageous endurance.

that they may know the vastness of their mission and yet retain humility of spirit and charity for each and every soul.

that in the manifold duties of their offices they may always find time to communicate quietly with You and therein find peace for their souls.

that they would forego worldly honors and recognition rather than bow to the will of evil men.

May You bless and direct our leaders for as long as it is Your will for them to guide the destiny of our nation and the world.

LORD, we thank You that You hear our prayer. Please remind us, too, that You are still in control! Amen.