A Poem Written by a New Friend of Mine, “A Part 2 to The Ravens Eye” Thank You Soad!

By Shanesbookblog @shanesbookblog

A very talented and inspirational new friend of mine, wrote a part 2 to my “The Ravens eye” Poem.  (can’t explain with word’s how much this means to me)

Her name is Soad and I ask that you please take a look at her blog and check out some of her content and amazing writing, By going  here——> Soad’s Blog<——

Not only did this new friend of mine write it better than I could have myself,This new friend made my day and me smile in such a way it eclipsed everything bad I have felt this year and turned it into sunshine and laughter.

Thank you so much Soad , I needed to smile today.

I owe ya one!

Here is Soad’s Poem,

The Ravens Eye

The Ravens Eye

Inspired by shanesbookblog

I read a poem with the title “A Raven’s Eye” and I guess I got inspired! I hope this great and successful author doesn’t mind me stealing (borrowing) his idea

The ravens’ eye I wish to flee

That stare’th right Inside of me.

That hollow gaze which drills

My mind

Searching for the

Weak inclined

Thought that passes

From my heart.

Waiting lurking

Stalking still

You shall not

Rob me of my will

I will climb

Atop my mountains


Waiting for my sweet


When I shall

Take what is

Mine and keep

My conscience and my heart

Entwined together

They shall never part

For if they do;

I leave the wind

My secret tool

To nudge me

Softly off my

Stool of

Rock and soul.

And then

That fool

With eyes

So grim

Will not bother

Me a-gain.