A Plurality Of Americans Ready To Condemn Islam

Posted on the 18 January 2015 by Jobsanger

This chart was made from a recent Rasmussen Poll -- done on January 11th and 12th of a random national sample of 800 likely voters, with a margin of error of 3.5 points.
The survey paint a rather sad and disturbing picture of too many Americans. It shows that a plurality (39%) of Americans believe that MOST muslims worldwide view the United States as an enemy. Frankly, I am shocked that so many Americans can believe such a ridiculous thing. All evidence indicates that most muslims do not view this country as an enemy. Most believe just the opposite.
I am sure this misguided view comes from a rather bigoted view of terrorist activities. There are a tiny percentage of muslim extremists that dislike the United States (and other Western countries) and commit violent and atrocious acts. But, guess what. There are also a tiny percentage of christians that commit violent and atrocious acts.
When Americans view the violence by christian extremists, they are quick to label them as "lone wolves" who are not representative of the christian religion. But when muslim extremists commit violence they have a different view. They are quick to label these extremists as representative of all muslims. This is not only stupid, it is bigotry.
Grow up America. Nearly all religions have an extremist element, and those extremists don't truly represent those religions.