A Pink Piece of Furniture

By Marilovesgr33n @marilovesgr33n

You don’t need the world to add character to a space. It doesn’t matter if you are not sure what’s your real flavor is. Go for the whole white and put something of your favorite color, even if it could sound weird. Have you ever thought about using pink outside a Victoria Secret boutique?

I want to show you this is possible and it is almost effortless.

1. You can use a faux fur carpet, a light pink chair and two small lamps reflected in a big mirror.

2. Use a minimal and contemporary sofa pink tinted.

3. Paint a wall and a ceiling to use it as a backgroung.

4. Choose two cute Swedish inspired armchairs.

Whether it is your own sense of style, in interior architecture as in fashion, go for it and don’t forget to dare.