A Photographic Tour Through the Life of A Cycling Nomad

By Awanderingphoto

“I suppose that was what attracted me to the bicycle right from the start. It is not so much a way of getting somewhere as it is a setting for randomness; it makes every journey an unorganized tour.”

We wake up with the sunrise, refreshed and ready to begin the day.

We pack up camp to become nomads once again.

We cycle through the mountains, seeking solitude amongst the peaks.

We wash in the rivers, oceans, and streams, grateful for the water that we find.

We visit small villages, purchasing fresh produce and bread as we go.

We eat and cook, and cook and eat, more food than you could ever imagine.

We meet amazing people.

We see pain,

and we see joy.

We struggle as we push our limits:

Climbing passes,

dealing with the weather,

and taking the road less traveled.

We absorb different cultures,

we encounter different religions,

and we experience different ways of life.

We cook dinner as we watch the sunset,

ready to sleep wherever we happen to be.

Because you see, no matter where we are, our tent is home.

We fall asleep completely unaware of what tomorrow will hold, and we wake up with the sun just as excited as always to find out.

For a photo of the day and other updates follow me on facebook here, and for some awkwardly cropped photos from our journey, follow us on Instagram @awanderingphoto!