A Perfect Weekend

By Chardonaldson
I've just had a perfect weekend.
I know that's a big call. Perfection isn't easily attained. A whole host of variables have to align the right way. But I would say that the weekend's perfection hinged on just one variable which made all the others appear to fall into place.
This person came home. 
Just for a flying visit. A friend's engagement party.
 It was so nice to have my whole family back together even if it was just for a weekend. We decided (well, really it was just me who decided and the boys humoured their mum) that it'd be nice to walk up Mt Coottha so Sam could see Brisbane from the top.

We set off having no idea how long it would take. I remember walking up it years ago at a birthday party when I was about ten. It had taken ages! And it had been so hard! And so steep! And my legs hurt!!! 
I guess my fitness level has improved a little since then. And my legs have gotten longer. It only took just over half an hour. Half an hour of enjoying the beautiful spring day and watching my man-children walking and talking and enjoying each other's company. They're the moments in life that make my mother's heart happy.

The only thing that could have made the day any better would have been to have had the two absent girlfriends with us. But work and uni commitments don't always make that possible.
And then the whole weekend was capped off by getting a visit from these two little guys. My twin great-nephews have a way of making the whole world a happy, funner (yeah, I know it's not a real word) place. There are way more smiles and laughter when they're around - and that's just from the adults.

Sam heads back down to Melbourne today but that just means that the countdown starts for his next visit. A week starting Christmas eve. Just thirteen weeks and two days to go.