A Parcel Full of Vintage Love

By Sweetapple19 @sweetappleyard


I would liken my relationship with clothing to a love affair (I have used this analogy a few times). I walk into a store and there are lots of beautiful bright colours and textured fabrics jumping out at me, asking to be tried on and taken home. But not just any piece will do. So I get closer, run my hands over those textures to feel them out. Inspect the stitching and the details and the craftsmanship. When shopping for vintage, I admire the imperfections, wonder how they came to be. How does it feel on my body, how does it make me feel when I inspect my reflection in the mirror.
And when I'm home in bed that night, do I still think about that dress, or that blouse. Or does it slip from my mind like a whisper as soon as we are parted. 
During my trip to New York, I visited Ana Chronos, a women's vintage store in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. As I browsed, a 70's style, floor length sundress caught my eye. I didn't buy it at the time, I was getting to the end of my trip and my savings account was battered and bruised and waving the white flag. But I never forgot about it. I sketched it whilst on the plane ride home and wondered if I could recreate it on my sewing machine. I fantasised about wearing it in a garden, barefoot. I wondered what beautiful, strong woman before me had put that dress on and felt beautiful and strong as she admired the way it fell along her body. Before I knew it, my fingers were tapping out an email to Erica at Ana Chronos some two months later with a request. I must have that dress.
And she was kind and helpful and sent me pictures and helped with sizing. However, being from New Zealand, I had to pay extortionate shipping to have it sent to me. But then, said parcel arrived. My parcel full of vintage love. And as soon as I removed the parcel from the box, every dollar had been worth it. It wasn't just a purchase, it was an experience. My love affair with pink and yellow rose buds. The box was wrapped in ribbon with a lavender stick and a handwritten note and a card. The dress was lovingly folded and nested in soft gray tissue. Opening that package was utterly enthralling and so personal. I'm a woman deep in the throws of infatuation with a dress.
I plan on doing a proper shoot in this dress some time soon. Keep an eye out. 
Much love from a vintage clad Sweet Apple XO
Ana Chronos Site Ana Chronos on Facebook
(Picture from the Ana Chronos website)