by Ashley Lister
This is just a short note to say that I've tightened some of the security settings on the blog to try and restrict spam responses to postings.
Call me a snob if you like but the poetry we discuss here has little to do with PayDay loans or barely legal pornography, so I'm not quite sure what these types of spammer are doing trying to entice our discerning readership to their pages.
However, from now on, for anyone wishing to post a response or a comment to a blog post there will be a CAPTCHA image that asks you to identify a series of blurry letters.
Or, alternatively, you can leave a comment on FaceBook.
My apologies for the tightening security measures if they annoy anyone but I find it more annoying that these spammers have been targeting our blog with their unwanted links.
Best wishes for the New Year.