A Not So Novel Concept

By Kate_miller

A Picture Perfect Columbine. My most beloved garden flower.

One would think...
With all of the stunningly beautiful flowers ablaze in my summer garden...

Six Hills Giant Catmint.

That I would be blogging and bragging up a storm.


I do go out there, early in the morning, and enjoy their beauty. But, not like I used to. Not with a camera in my hand.

Wild Columbines.

 I guess it's become a safe haven that I'm less interested in sharing. Not sure what that's all about. This sudden ~ and near constant ~ need for silence, solitude.
Appreciating the delightful sounds of songbirds, my one pesky squirrel and the drip, drip, drip of a hanging-on-by-a-thread broken water fountain. :)


Too much work. Not enough joy. I have been hating life.


Resentful of anyone asking me to add anything to this already over-burdened schedule. (I have no one to finger but myself for this mess, I'm just terrible when it comes to saying no.)

Maltese Cross.

While I was out there pulling weeds this morning, I came up with a Not So Novel Concept.

John Cabot Roses.

Live life instead of juggle it. 
Say 'no' once in awhile. Hell, say no every day. It's not like people ever reciprocate all those favors you do for them. Why should I feel inclined to bend over backwards?

Valerian (pink) and Marguerite (yellow.)

When I get done with this post, I am planning to call my most hated client and say something I've wanted to say for a good, long time:
"Hey, guess what! We're done."


Live on less. Enjoy life more. Whaddyathink? (PS: Yes, I did the math, I can still pay my bills.)


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