A No-Turkey Thanksgiving

By Yonni @vegandthecity
Don't you love all the prep that goes into holidays centered around food you can't eat?

For me, the thought of the Jewish holidays full of dairy kugels (noodle puddings) and chicken soup and brisket are enough of a challenge, but throw in Thanksgiving with turkey and gravy and my vegan creative juices go into overdrive!

I have not perfected the dish I'll be making for my brother and sister-in-law's Thanksgiving table yet this year, but I know it will involve mushrooms, leeks, chestnuts and butternut squash.  Something heart, filling, harvest-like and turkey-free!  (Truthfully, I was never a huge turkey fan anyway...)

Photo courtesy of Epicurious.com by Chelsea Kyle

In the meantime, here are some great recipes courtesy of Chopra.com and the Veg-ducken, the vegan alternative to the Turducken, courtesy of Epicurious.com.
I hope you enjoy, and best wishes for a happy and healthy to you and yours!