A No Make-up Peek Inside Our House

By Francoisetmoi

Things are shaping up to be a busy year, and while I wouldn’t trade that for the world, it’s hard not to get overwhelmed sometimes. I’m at home with my 1 year old, Sylvia 3 days a week, and the other two days, I do Francois et Moi business. Sylvie will be off and grown in no time, so I’ve made the choice to do things this way. On the days that I’m with Sylvia, I count on her naps to get a some work done (like I’m doing right now!). So I’m basically I’m flying between two demanding rolls, taking care of Sylvia and running my blogging business, and that really doesn’t leave much time during the week for keeping our house pristine. Ken and I share this role completely, so it mostly happens at the end of the day and on weekends. Anywho! Kyla of House of Hipsters asked me to join in on her No-Makeup Home Tour again this year. (Go here for last year’s tour.) And more than ever I was up for it, because look, I post pretty pictures of my house and DIY projects, but those are often styled vignettes–MY HOUSE DOESN’T ALWAYS LOOK […]