A Nice Surprise!

By Gothextramile @thextramile

Surprise!! My brother drove down from Tallahassee yesterday and wanted to surprise my mom and I. Too bad he posted a status on Facebook before he left. Come on, like we wouldn’t see that? haha!

Still a nice surprise and I’m glad he’s here! We barely ever see him now a days since he lives almost 7 hours away. TOO FAR! I love my bro, so happy we are close Obviously that picture is old because I am BLONDE.

Last night he didn’t get to our house till about 8:30, so we had a late dinner. My mom and I snacked all throughout the evening but not too much because we still had appetites for a yummy dinner.

Finally tried Alexia sweet potatoes! They were so yummy, I had a few before Brendan even got here

Turkey burgers, asparagus, and sweet potato puffs.

My mom also got a Key Lime Pie because that is my brothers favorite dessert. My mom goes nuts with the food whenever Brendan comes down. She acts like he is a starving college kid that only eats crumbs while away.

I honestly don’t even really like Key Lime Pie but I had a sliver. If I’m having dessert, I usually want it to be extra chocolate-y!

We hung out for a bit then went off to bed around midnight. This morning I got to sleep in till about 9:30! I surprised myself when I woke up that late. It is a dreary day here today so maybe that helped:)

I was planning on taking Bikram again today but honestly woke up with a very sore gluteus maximus so I decided today could be my rest day instead of tomorrow. I think it is a good idea because I woke up with a pounding sinus headache. Thanks a lot yucky weather =/

After taking Bentley on a nice long walk, we got started on brunch. It was around 11:30 by the time we ate! Still breakfast but just later than usual.

I’m almost positive I ate my body weight in fruit salad before breakfast was even ready. I cannot be tamed around a fruit salad.

Spinach, tomato, and cheese scrambled eggs with a piece of toast.

Now I’m off to spend time with the family before Brendan leaves. Have an amazing Saturday!

Would you rather have a fruity/Tart dessert or a decadent chocolate dessert?

Obviously I am a chocolate girl all the way. Except give me a choice between a brownie and froyo, you know for a fact I’ll be all over that froyo;)

Do you celebrate with food when family comes in town too?

(I feel like everyone does). Our lives revolve around food.

What is your favorite mix-in for eggs?

I love spinach, mushroom, and tomato usually. Too bad we had no mushrooms!