A New WordPress Theme to Spice up The Year

Posted on the 14 January 2014 by Babanature @proudlyonenaija

Finally! Finally!! Finally!!! I have finally changed my theme from weaver theme to Genesis frame work. Hey, changing my theme was not intentional because as much as many people hated my old theme, I still love and find the theme interesting.


My old theme was a free one but has all the qualities a premium theme can offer. But as the old saying goes; “when it’s old, you change”. Below are some of my good reasons why I change my theme to a more responsive and seo friendly theme. But before I continue, how do you see the style of this new theme?


Love at First Sight:

I fell in love with this new theme the first day I laid my eyes on her :).

Okay, here’s how the story goes – I was searching for something on the internet (Forgot what I was searching for), then I saw a blog reviewing a new Genesis theme called modern blogger.

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I thought okay, it’s the same old story till I decide to take a look at the demo view of the new theme. And behold, I was amazed at the design and construct of the theme and immediately, fell in love with the modern blogger :)

If you don’t call it love at first sight, what else would you call it… :)

Needed Some Change

Okay my old look was getting too old so I decided to make a little or some changes. As they say “It is good to always re-brand” right? So let’s assume that I am re-branding (which I am doing)

Though, sometimes (If not always) it is good to provide your audience with great content. Content you know that your fans, blog readers and fellow bloggers would love to read.

When listening to too much advice from too many people, it might confuse you and leading you to do the opposite of right. But it is also good to hear the voice of your readers in some area of your blogging career because without your readers, your blog will be just that blog people don’t pay attention to.

80% of my blog readers also needed me to change my theme, so I did

The Old Theme Was Slowing My Blog Downnn.

Due to the large number of posts and comments I have and still adding, my weaver theme started showing some strange signs, like error page, finding it hard to reply to some comments made on some of my 1000+ comment blog post  and also, my blog was becoming too slow as slow can get. Even after optimizing my blog tightly.

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After I change my theme to Genesis “Modern blogger”, the speed of my site increase back to the way it was when I first created it.


The kind of theme you use can also lead to how Google rank you, right? I don’t totally depend on SEO that’s why I don’t practice it. But getting some good old organic traffic won’t cause you an arm, right?

I was told that the Genesis theme has been optimized to get favored from search engines. All great bloggers I have come across are using the theme. And also the theme do have some functions in there admin panel that will blow your mind.


This is my first time I’ll ever change my theme and I do hope that moving to the Genesis family will benefit my blog even more. If you ask me, I have started seeing some positive value in it.

Let me ask you this question again? Do you like the new theme? Do drop your answer by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments, questions and thoughts are highly welcomed and much appreciated.

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Are you a blogger that have changed his/her theme more than once? I am seriously curious to know how many times you’ve changed your theme and why did you decide to change your theme?

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