A New Take On A Previously Stitched Pattern

By Lindsay James @leavelindzalone

I haven’t stitched near as much as I would like to lately. It feels like mistakes upon mistakes have been bogging me down (vintage colt how I loathe thee!). To try and get back on the stitching wagon again I pulled out an old pattern to stitch again. It’s probably one of my favourites to date. Great start too, don’t you think?

Meet the Wonder Bookmark (again). A freebie pattern from Ship’s Manor. It’s whimsical, it’s colourful, and includes all kinds of Alice in Wonderland influences, which I love. It’s also a bit quirky and totally me I stitched it once before, a year or more ago and shared it here on the blog back then. I gave that one away to a dear friend of mine who lives in Scotland. I wonder if she uses it..I have never asked her! This time around I am stitching it for myself – the same pattern with a few variations made to my tastes and based on available supplies.  The biggest differences are it is being stitched on black aida rather than oatmeal-coloured, and I am varying the colours just a little bit. Some colours are lighter, some brighter, and some are deeper and richer. I am very much looking forward to sharing how this one turns out… AND being able to use it!