A New Sex Fetish: Black Women Developing a Sex Fetish for White Men

Posted on the 22 September 2018 by Calvinthedog

Thinking Mouse: I cant see how you wont feel bad for them. The black women who are so deranged they cant like their own.

Oh Hell no. I feel great about them. There’s this whole movement on the porn blogs on Tumblr of men from one race trying to steal the other races’ women. And there’s all these White guys promoting this idea that all these women of other races should develop a White man fetish. And a lot of women of other races are going along with it. Mostly Black and Asian women, but there are a few Hispanic and East Indian women getting into it too. There are all these porny memes of ethnic women saying, “I am White cock only.” And there are all these Black women posing naked with photos saying, “White men only”, “White cock only”, “I only fuck White men,” etc.

Then there are Black guys promoting the idea that White women should develop a Black fetish. And a lot of them do just that. They also have memes too saying the same thing. And a lot of White women are getting a black spade tattooed on their bodies. That means they have this Black man fetish.

It even goes off into this porn fantasy blogs where the Blacks have taken over and have made all White men cucks and turned all White women into depraved sex slaves. There are White guys running fantasy blogs about the future when the Whites take over. A lot about are about Whites conquering Asia, turning all Asian men into cucks and making sex slaves of all the Asian women, It’s hilarious and a lot of those people make nice memes and write very well.

There is also this whole idiot cuck movement of say, Black men and a few Hispanic men who let their wives cuck them with White men. They get off on the humiliation of it.

And there are some Asian guys who are into the cuck thing and they have blogs about how Asian men are small-dicked and inferior and how all Asian women should go for superior White men. They get off on being cucked and humiliated too.

And of course there is a huge movement of White men who get off cucking their wives to other men, often but not always to Black men. A lot of these White men put their penises in cages and lock them up. Their wives keep them locked up like that and will not let them get off. Then the guy has to be in the room watching with his dick in a cage while these studs ravage his wife. His wife turns around and insults him sometimes, talking about his small penis or how he’s going to stay locked up all month. It’s weird, but some of it is hilarious. The Black men they bring around to have sex with their wives are called “bulls.”

So White men formed this new movement advocating Black husbands turn into cucks and bring around “White bulls” to have sex with their wives while the Black guy watches in humiliation.

So the men of different races are trying to steal the other races’ women by promoting fetishizing their own kind.

I think it is hilarious. And I have talked to a number of these Black women who have a White man fetish. Personally, I think it’s good for Black women. The Black women who develop the White man thing seem to leave behind a lot of that lousy Black culture and in general tend to behave a lot better.

There might be genetic tendencies for a lot of Black women to be somewhat ill-behaved, but those are not set in stone. And that awful culture of theirs just sets those tendencies off like a match in a tinder-dry forest.

I think if those White fetish Black women start degenerating into typical ghetto behaviors, a lot of those White guys are not going to put up with that stupid nonsense the same way Black men are. So these women will be forced to act better. It seems to be working, unless there is some self-selection going on with better behaved Black women being the ones who develop the fetish in the first place.

I have generally found that the further Black women get outside that horrible Black culture of theirs, the better they behave and the less they are into the victim addiction, screaming racism, Black Identity Politics toxicity.

It is interesting. The Black women into White men hardly complain about anti-Black racism at all. But the deeper they are into that nightmare culture of theirs, the more they scream racism all the time and seem to be perpetually wound up and pissed off. It’s not healthy to live like that.