A New Modern Showroom Opens in Los Angeles

By Dwell @dwell
From the owner of the city's Minotti showroom comes Mass Beverly, a full-service design destination. Slideshow

A Henge Cage B shelving system and pendants.

Mary Ta, owner of Minotti's Los Angeles showroom, has opened Mass Beverly, which uses Italian design as a springboard for what Ta calls a "360-degree approach." Offering kitchen and bath design in addition to furnishings for every imaginable space, the showroom—one block from Minotti—was just hours old when it opened its doors for the closing conversation at Frances Anderton's Design Intersects Everything Made (DIEM) event. The space includes a mini Bottega Veneta showroom, a central conference room set off by floor-to-ceiling glass doors, and a large kitchen for events. Ta and her husband, architect Lars Oliver Hypko, toasted the space where, says Ta, "We can do everything."