In a magical land on top of the world, an epic struggle between light and darkness was waged between two brothers. King Kringle ruled with a harsh hand over the Elves of the North Pole, allowing no laughter, no play and no Christmas celebration. There was only one truly kindhearted soul who could make a difference and change the course of the world. Would the Elves be able to find Santa and bring laughter and joy to the land? Manusol the Elf knows the answer, for it is written in The Book of Kringle.
With stunningly crafted illustrations, a classically designed hardback cover and lyrical text that takes children straight into the glittering crystal mountains of the North Pole, The Book of Kringle is a must-have for young children everywhere this holiday season. Now parents and children alike can become even further immersed in the magic, thanks to an accompanying Color-In Christmas coloring book.
My Thoughts:
The North Pole wasn't always a wonderful place. It was once ruled by a cruel king, who happened to be Kris Kringle's brother! He made the elves work in the mines to add to his riches, and joy and happiness were banned. This story shows that goodness will always triumph over evil, especially when everyone works together and utilizes their own special gifts. Told from the perspective of an elf, the story is lyrical and magical, a worthy addition to books about the origins of Christmas and the joy of giving to others.
Guest Post: "On Writer's Block," by Derek Velez Partridge
Writing this piece almost gave it to me. Writer's block is sort of like saying "Beetlejuice"; you never want to say it three times.
I’ve said it once already (title excluded), and I fear I may be angering the gods.
Seriously, it’s a phobia brought on by hysteria, but really, it happens when you’re not clear about what it is you’re trying to say. We all have a little vignette running around in our head and not everything is a full story.
We want to believe that behind these ideas is a treasure trove, an endless pit of inspiration.
What started as a rush slowly begins to unravel, and sometimes it becomes difficult to judge whether it's writer's block (2nd mention) or the idea itself simply has "limited legs." It’s a good thought, but not a full story.
I haven’t had W.B. (won’t say it again) in a while because it seems I've got a lot going on in my head right now.
This is the root of writing to me. It’s how I grasp sanity. It’s my personal therapy, the way I put my life in perspective. It’s how I deal with every choice or obstacle I’m confronted with. I give it a theme and make it part of the story.
I raise the stakes for myself. I call it "chasing genius" because, as a writer, I get to feel like what I’m working on is the MOST important thing in the world, so to avoid W.B. my work becomes my epitaph to my three daughters. I make it so that I can't have a net, almost life-and-death stakes. Work and family are truly the only things that drive me. So, as a father, I must prepare my three tween to teen girls for the future, which means I've got to fully understand life as I live through it.
The writing is all mine: my fears, my challenges. The reading part, I’ll leave that up to the rest of the world. You also have to decide to whom you’re talking to and what it is you're trying to convey. Writing is not for the masses, even though that is its full intention. Writing is for the writer and what it is he/she is trying to work out or understand. I make a joke to my friends: It’s not that I fear isolation, I fear a broken pencil…
I’ve learned long ago that it takes faith. Not everything will come immediately. You must be asking the right questions, so there’s no need to rush the process. Trust that if it’s a worthy story, it will come. You must remove yourself from that perception and stay true. Never try to be cool; don’t get stuck on flair, style, or other people’s opinions. All of these contribute to writer's block (3rd mention, oh NO!!!!!), so the best way to avoid this is to remain open, honest and humble.
Derek Velez Partridge was first inspired to pen The Book of Kringle: Legend of the North Pole at sixteen years old when he wrote a poem titled “Old Man Joe.” Partridge has been a professional artist for many years, getting his start as a clay potter while living with Pablo Indians in New Mexico. He has made two feature films and is currently in preproduction of a new film called The Devil That Is, story by Edwin Torres, the New York Supreme Court Judge known for Carlito’s Way. Partridge is the father of three daughters aged 11, 14 and 16, to whom he dedicates The Book of Kringle.
For more information, please visit the book's website, as well as the Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Goodreads pages.
The Book of Kringle: Legend of the North Pole is now available on the book's website, as well as Amazon and iBooks.
Continue to follow The Book of Kringle blog tour tomorrow at Inspired by Savannah!
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher to facilitate my honest review. This post contains my Amazon affiliate link, and I will receive a small commission on purchases made through the link.