A New Book in the Works!

By Caryschmidt

Following Jesus is sure to be a journey of unfolding surprises. He delights to delight! I continue to marvel at God’s providence and grace on this journey.

One of my great passions in ministry is writing—attempting to communicate God’s truth in a way that compels others to love Jesus. Almost a year ago I took a walk with God and prayed a simple prayer of surrender. “Lord, I don’t need to write if it’s not your will. I don’t want to force it. Whatever your desire, open or close doors and show me a clear path forward.” It was a hard prayer, but one that brought peace nonetheless. I was fully prepared for God to say, “Writing is not my agenda for you at this time.”

I won’t bore you with the long version of the story, but the short version is that God responded almost immediately. Through a wonderful series of unexpected, providential events over several months, Moody Publishers extended to me an invitation to write my next book in partnership with them.

I am now free to share this news because the book contract was signed this morning. (I celebrated with ice cream!) This new opportunity is simultaneously exciting, humbling, and sobering. The joy of the open door is equaled by the weight of the responsibility. Therefore, this is not only an announcement, but also a requestfor prayer! Would you pray that God will guide me in the coming months as I dive into this book project?

The project has a working title of You, Made New: Finding Your Solid Identity in a Fragile World. It will explore the transformational power of an authentic gospel identity—unfolding how a gospel identity differs from weaker identity structures offered in secular and religious contexts. I believe the message will resonate with both believers and unbelievers who are seeking truth.

I’m grateful that Moody would invite me to do this, and I’m prayerful that God will use this project to strengthen many.

Much thanks to Paul Santhouse, Amy Simpson, and the great folks at Moody Publishers for their invitation to write. Also, I feel deep gratitude toward my agent (and gifted author), Cynthia Ruchti, with Books & Such, who chose to take the risk of representing me, and who has coached me (and pushed me) through this process with both rigor and grace. Cynthia has a strong heart for gospel ministry and a high standard of professional excellence. She’s been a gift from God.

Look for this new book about 18 months from now. Until then, I sincerely appreciate your prayers that God would be glorified in its message.

Now, to the work of writing. YAY! …and YIKES!

I can’t. But I know He can!