A New Addition To My Morning Routine - Foreo

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

The Swedish company Foreo contacted me recently, asking if I'd be interested in trying their facial-cleansing device, the Luna. As I was already looking for something to adding to my cleansing routine, I agreed to try it out and write a review.

LUNA is made of silicone and has very soft bristles that are there to cleanse and gently exfoliate your skin. It comes in 3 colors, one for each skin type. Pink is for sensitive/normal skin, blue is for combination skin and white is for ultra sensitive skin. While cleansing it generates tiny vibrations which help you get rid of dead-skin cells and excess make-up, in turn allowing your moisturizer and serum to get absorbed better and leaving your skin smooth, soft and clean. It is like giving yourself a mini-facial daily.

To use, you would apply your cleanser the way you do normally, then wet the LUNA a bit and start massaging it on your skin in circular motions. It automatically stops vibrating after 3 minutes so you cannot 'over cleanse' your face. As it's 100% waterproof you could even use this in the shower. I use it once a day either during the morning or evening, depending on how much time I have.

There are two modes available on the LUNA, where the first one is for normal cleansing and the second one is their anti-aging mode. The difference is between the vibrations per setting. You can also customize these with the + and - buttons. I use the first setting to cleanse my skin and the anti-ageing mode to massage products into my skin.

The FOREO Luna has helped to keep my pores clean and skin soft. I also found it to be more sanitary than the other brush cleaners in the market. Here's you chance to buy it for 10% OFF the retail price along with FREE SHIPPING - Use the code TANVII at checkout. The code expires on August 18th 2015, so hurry up!

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at info@tanvii.com.