The percentages shown are averages from RealClearPolitics. The Republican percentage is an average of 6 polls -- Public Policy Polling (3/6-3/9), CNN/ORC (3/7-3/9), WPA Research (3/18-3/20), Reason-Rupe (3/26-3/30), McClatchy/Marist (4/7-4/10), and Fox News (4/13-4/15).
About all that can be gleaned from this is that there is still no favorite among the Republicans -- with no candidate being able to register even 15%. It is early, of course, but no candidate has been able to capture the passion of the Republican base. This could well encourage other Republicans to consider entering the race.
The Democratic percentage is an average of 4 polls -- Public Policy Polling (3/6-3/9), CNN/ORC (3/7-3/9), Reason-Rupe (3/26-3/30), and Fox News (4/13-4/15). That is because some polls aren't bothering to query about the Democratic race, since Hillary Clinton has shown she is a prohibitive favorite in every poll so far (and does so again in these polls). There is still every indication that all Hillary has to do to get the Democratic nomination is ask for it.