A Most Special Birthday

By Craftycrunchymama
Last Friday was my birthday. It was my first birthday since Baby J decided to come on out! I share a birthday with Dr. Seuss, so it was only fitting that I planned to see The Lorax on opening day. My plans for that fell through, however, so I spent the whole day with Daddy J and Baby J. I wouldn't say we did anything extraordinary, but I felt on top of the world.
I have always loved my birthday. It is my special day. For the past few years, however, I have felt that birthday spark fading. This year the spark came back!
Another year of life is so much more meaningful when you have had a child. I woke up super excited to spend my special day with my special little man. Every day is such a blessing with him in my arms.
Daddy J didn't have time to pick up one of my presents, so he took me to the mall and let me pick it out. He has been working out of town lately with no access to any stores, so I understood. He took me out to a nice lunch and then surprised me with a visit to our local cloth diaper store, Basic Baby. He then instructed me to pick out a new wool diaper cover. (I have been raving about my first wool purchase. I guess he got the hint.) I looked around the store around fifty times before I settled on this beauty from Under the Green Umbrella. (She is also local and makes great handmade items, not just wool!) We chose this one because Daddy J's birthday is on St. Patrick's Day.
After we were done, we went to spend the evening at my Dad and Second Mother's house where I was surprised with a balloon (haven't gotten one of those in years), flowers (haven't gotten those in years either), some of my favorite candies, and a yummy cake.
It was such a special day!