A Moment in Eternity by @SGZimmer

By Pamelascott

The people of his tribe call Hongvi the Shadow Walker.

A great warrior and hunter with a traumatic past, his courage is unrivalled among the Shinumu people.

When tales arrive of giants roving the plains to the east of the great canyons, where his tribe dwells in villages built into the facings of cliffs, Hongvi does not hesitate to undertake a journey alone to investigate.

Yet the threat of giants is not the only peril facing the tribe...

A great darkness is coalescing to the south, in the lands of the Dinay, the enemy of the Shinumu. Rumours abound of sorcerous priests steeped in blood sacrifice who have come from foreign lands to rule.

A Moment in Eternity is a stand-alone novella that is part of the Hongvi Shadow Walker Tales!


Not even a whisper of the chilled night air rippled through the brooding stillness.


(@7thStarPress, 23 November 2022, e-book, 129 pages, copy from @TCMPublicity, #BlogTour 24 January)



I liked this novella a lot. I haven't read any book in the Hongvi Shadow Walker Tales but might check them out now as I enjoyed this so much. I didn't feel like I had to be familiar with the other books to enjoy this. I really liked the language used in the book, they helped the book and characters really come to life. You see everything from Hongvi's POV which works really well. I liked the way the story gradually unfolds as Hongvi determines to do the right thing even if it's not what his tribe wants. This is a good read.