a Mini Makeover.

By Agadd @ashleegadd

Oh heeeeeey! Guess what?! My blog got a mini makeover, AND I didn’t have to pull my hair out! THIS IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT. For those of you who don’t know, I hate blog design. As in, I don’t know how to do anything and I don’t really know what I want my blog to look like. Ever. I am a web designer’s worst nightmare, times ten. Thank goodness my husband is kiiiiiiind of a web-savvy genius and can help me with such important life matters.

A few things worth noting;

1) I HAVE NESTED COMMENTS!!!! I know, it’s terribly exciting. This means I can actually REPLY to comments and you know, be a good blogger.

2) I HAVE A SHARE BUTTON!!!! Just like the cool kids. It’s right over there, somewhere ————>

3) If you haven’t already subscribed, and would like to do so (no pressure, obviously), you can do that here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/WhereMyHeartResides. It was recently brought to my attention that there are a few WMHR feeds roaming the interwebs, which is probably my fault because I signed up for feedburner halfway through this blogging journey and had no idea what I was doing. Alas, live and learn. You can also subscribe via e-mail if that’s yo thing. To all of you who have already subscribed (over 700 as of today!), thank you for reading my posts, supporting my creative endeavors, and sending me the sweetest e-mails on the planet. You motivate me to write more often and more honestly and for that, I thank you.

4) I am working on a blogroll. In the meantime, please do yourself a favor and check out this blog, specifically this post. Don’t let the mommy blog thing scare you—this girl is my new favorite everything.

That is all. If anything looks weird, we’re probably trying to fix it already. But feel free to let me know anyways.