A Mini Haul

By Kelliciousxo @Kelliciousxo

With all the buzz going on over the Hunger Games film and after many recommendations from friends, I decided to purchase the trilogy yesterday as I don't like watching films before reading books (in the case of My Sister's Keeper, I'm very glad I went for the book first!) I've almost finished The Hunger Games already - so what if I've been reading instead of doing coursework all afternoon? At least it was something constructive ;)
I also caved and bought some studded loafers from New Look - they are so cute! I was after a Topshop pair but couldn't justify £30. These beauties were about £16 with my NUS card (£17.99 without) so I didn't feel as guilty putting my card into the Chip and PIN machine! I also picked up these lovely earrings whilst I was there, lovely combo of Spring pastels. I will forever be addicted to big earrings, haters gonna hate ♥
I wore my new purchases (nah, didn't wear the books before you ask!) out last night as me and some friends went to a cocktail bar and a Spoons in town - I've had a Sex on the Beach and Purple Rain induced hangover all day and still can taste pineapple juice. It was a lovely evening and made a nice change to being in loud nightclubs drinking overpriced spirits and mixers, despite how I love nights like that just as much. Apart from my friend falling over at ever other street corner and losing his shoes every time, it was a pretty diaster free evening!
This is the first Mother's Day I've spent without my mum, and it feels really weird. She called me earlier to say the card I sent made her tear up, then I ended up crying myself, aha. My mom and I have our moments but I love her to bits and I'm so grateful for all she's ever done for me.
Talking of mothers, I am going to be an auntie for the third time as my lovely sister has another baby on the way! I kinda hope she's going to have a girl again but we'll have to wait and see...at the moment baby looks like a jelly bean so there's a bit of cooking time to go before we find out :)