So I woke up today and I have that niggling feeling that something is coming at me......something truck shaped that will hit me at some point today. This truck is what I like to call a mini flare, you could call it a bad day or simply that your lupus is kicking off. Either way it is going to sting you like a bee and right before the weekend too - not the best prospect. So how do I handle it when I body is simply saying please stop, but my mind is saying....."please let me do the things I want to".
Looking at the plans I had in place....
I know I am going to have to limit myself now, I need to look at rest times, even as far as looking for places to go that have lot's of areas to sit down - not something I ever thought I would have to consider. Travelling will be pretty much out of the question as it stresses me out, causing the mini flare to only exacerbate to a full on meltdown situation. So anything I do this weekend needs to be close to home.
Then there is the added stress of cancelling plans, I am not the only person who HATES to do this. Firstly I actually find it embarrassing to a degree, as if I am telling people I am giving up..........NEVER GIVE UP! Then there is the constant guilt of letting people down, probably something I need to work harder on because it is one of my faults - there are others but they have nothing to do with my illness. Mainly though, I hate cancelling plans because I have lost many a friend that way. Not their fault, I mean if I never show up to events or I do and I am not capable of enjoying myself it just brings people down. However there are times that I have to do this and this weekend is going to be one of those times - so just know if you are reading this, that I love you all...I am just tired.
Planning in new activities to make the weekend fun....
I often feel that as we delve further into our illnesses, we forget how to have fun. I know that I did for a long time; overlooking the small things that made me smile, because I couldn't do the big things. Recently I have been on a mission to change my thinking surrounding the word "fun". This maybe down to my new record player....which is awesome by the way.... or it could be that I have rediscovered the joy of a good Sunday afternoon film and a hot chocolate.
So I have to change my plans now, instead of being as active as I would like, I am now going to do the following;
1. If the weather stays nice I will go for short walks. Maybe to the park where there are benches to sit and rest, maybe to the local nature reserve to have a coffee and a relaxing stroll. Either way the fresh air and nature will do me the world of good.
2. I shall do some light cleaning/tidying. Am I the only one who feels happier when they have a happy home? I can truly rest when everything is clean and tidy - so I shall pride in this at the weekend.
3. I shall catch up on some reading. I still have books I got for Christmas that I haven't got around to when I need to rest my body but not my mind this will be the best way.
4. When I need to rest everything I shall turn to some vinyl. The dulcet tones of Simon and Garfunkal or Janis Joplin will sooth my sole and help me to relax.
5. I will ask for help. This is probably the most important thing I will do this weekend, because I know I will need both physical and mental support. I will need help to remember things, I will need help to plan things.....I may even need help to get out of bed. So I wont be afraid of it, I will simply ask for it.
Things I can do to try and stave it off......
There are many things I do when I feel the truck coming towards me at speed. Starting with my diet; I know it may bore you but I am a firm believer in how much diet can aid you even if it is just mentally. So when I start to feel under the weather I head straight to fish, green vegetables and fresh juices - like a raspberry and banana smoothie.
I will stock up on my favorite healthy snacks too. I don't know about you, but when I start a flare I crave foods like chocolate and cake. So instead of the chocolate, I try and chose the healthier options whilst adding in a small amount of cake - everyone needs a cupcake hug every now and again.
Let go of the weeks worries. This is probably the hardest thing to do, but the more I stress out the worse the flare will be. I start trying to let go in advance of the attack, in the hope that this will lessen the fight - sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't - no harm in trying right?
How do you cope with flare ups??