A Marxist God Led the Senate’s Opening Prayer

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Yesterday morning, March 6, 2014, the Dalai Lama led the traditional opening prayer in the United States Senate.

As reported by the Voice of America, this is the first time the Dalai Lama has led the prayer, even though he has visited the Capitol many times.

The Dalai Lama, adored by liberals and Hollweirdos like Richard Gere, has been touring the U.S. and met with the POS in the White House last month despite objections from China.

The Chinese Communist Party government will not tolerate any religion that does not submit to Beijing’s supreme authority, which is why there are two types of Christians in China:

  • An “official” Christian church that is approved and supervised by the government; and
  • An unapproved underground “house” (the faithful meet in other’s homes) church that is persecuted.

The words “dalai lama” mean “ocean guru” in Mongolian and Tibetan. The Dalai Lama is both the spiritual and absolute political leader of Tibetan Buddhists. The present Dalai Lama, the 14th, claims to be the latest reincarnation of a line of dalai lamas, going back to the first, who himself was merely the human manifestation of the Buddhist god of compassion, whom Tibetans call Chenrezig and Chinese call Guanyin.

In other words, the Dalai Lama is supposed to be a living god.

Nearly four years ago on May 20, 2010, at a news conference at the start of his tour of New York, the present Dalai Lama condemned capitalism as a system whose main goal is “how to make profit” and declared he is “a Marxist in spirit.” He extolled Marxism as “the only economy system expressing concern of equal distribution (of wealth); that is moral ethics.”

This, from a man who has not worked a day in his life, but heads the theocratic Tibetan government in exile (formal name: the Central Tibetan Administration) in Dharamsala, India. Wikipedia describes the CTA as receiving “financial aid from governments and international organizations,” which means that the Dalai Lama has lived on welfare his entire life.

In other words, the U.S. Senate had a pagan god and a Marxist lead their opening prayer yesterday.

H/t FOTM’s swampygirl
