A Magical Teepee Wedding in Cambridge

By Claire

I’m delighted to share this wed­ding with you today. If there was a wed­ding of the week award I’d be rush­ing to present it to every­one involved in today’s post — so con­grat­u­la­tions and the biggest thank you to Vic­to­ria and David for shar­ing their story; and a huge thank you also to Cam­bridge wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Andrew from Light­works Pho­tog­ra­phy for the sub­mis­sion. (www.photographyatlightworks.co.uk)

Every­one — enjoy! Claire xxx

Vic­to­ria and David: a beau­ti­ful teepee wed­ding in Cambridge

Who pro­posed, and how?

David pro­posed at the top of a moun­tain over­look­ing the frozen Lac de Mont Cenis in France, where we met whilst work­ing a ski sea­son together 9 years ago!

Wed­ding venue:

In Harl­ton, near Cam­bridge, where Victoria’s par­ents live. The ser­vice was in the vil­lage church and then the recep­tion was held in giant Teepees on Victoria’s God­par­ents’ farm in the vil­lage oppo­site the church.

Wed­ding photographer:

Andrew Hind (Light­works Pho­tog­ra­phy)

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

There were tra­di­tional ele­ments, but we wanted a very relaxed atmos­phere, with good food and live music!

We had a reli­gious cer­e­mony with read­ings from The Book of Eccle­si­astes, Chap­ter 4 — King James Edi­tion and Son­net 116 by William Shakespeare

The teepee wed­ding reception:

The whole day was per­fect! High­lights included the cer­e­mony in the beau­ti­ful church, Victoria’s Mother had done all the flow­ers in the church and the sun­light streamed through the windows.

The amaz­ing Teepees in the field, the sump­tu­ous food and of course the Spit­fire dis­play was very spe­cial, cour­tesy of Victoria’s uncle, John Romain from Air­craft Restora­tion Com­pany at Dux­ford Airfield.

So many peo­ple had con­tributed to mak­ing it such a mem­o­rable day. David’s father did all the bridal party flow­ers, Victoria’s God­mother made all the brides­maid dresses and the deli­cious cake, fam­ily and friends had all pitched in to help.

Wed­ding venue styling and details:

The Teepees spoke for them­selves, very lit­tle addi­tional dec­o­ra­tion was needed (Just some more gor­geous flowers!)

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

DC Brown Jazz Trio (For recep­tion drinks) and The Road­Run­ners band (for danc­ing in the evening).

What did you wear?

Bride: Cou­ture dress (designer and dress­maker – Eliz­a­beth Andrews – Cam­bridge)
Groom: Bespoke tails (Oliver Lit­t­ley – Lon­don www.oliverlittley.com)

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

There were spe­cial lit­tle moments all through the day. It would be dif­fi­cult to men­tion all of them.

Wed­ding day advice:

  • Stay relaxed and smile!
  • Try to enjoy the cer­e­mony, this impor­tant part goes so quickly!
  • Keep it simple.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • Papakata www.papakata.co.uk — Teepees
  • Carte Blanche Cater­ing www.carteblanchecatering.co.uk — Catering
  • Dina Catch­pole – www.d-dmakeup.com — Hair and makeup (amaz­ing — worth her make-up bag weight in gold!!)
  • Eliz­a­beth Andrews – lizzie.andrews@btinternet.com – Bride’s Dress
  • Oliver Lit­t­ley – www.oliverlittley.com – Groom’s suit
  • Light­works pho­tog­ra­phy — www.photographyatlightworks.co.uk – Andrew Hind
  • Road­run­ners — http://www.myspace.com/theroadrunners Band
  • DC Brown Jazz Trio – New­mar­ket, Suffolk