A Love Letter to Joe Biden

Posted on the 04 May 2014 by Karibestrycki @bloglikeitshot

Photo Courtesy: http://www.wbobradio.com

If you know me at all, you know I’ve had a crush on VP Joe Biden for many years. If you don’t know me, you’re probably thinking “How old is this chick?” Well, a lady never reveals her age, but I will say that there is about 45 years between us.

Anywho, this post is not about politics, it’s about the real Joe Biden…the man behind that winning smile and classy wink. Throughout the course of his Vice Presidency, Joe has done some great things that made me fall deeply for him. I’d like to share them with you, but don’t go falling for him…I already have Jill Biden to compete with and clearly Jill is winning.

1. He’s From Scranton, Pennsylvania (and isn’t afraid to talk about it)

Photo Courtesy: http://www.zazzle.com

Along with Mr. Biden, I was also born and raised in Scranton, PA. Most people only vaguely know the area from the TV show The Office, but there is so much more to Scranton that meets the eye. Scranton has a rich history and, I feel, that the area is on the cusp of a transformation period.

Many young professionals and startup companies are popping up in Lackawanna County and that can only help the area move towards being the city I always knew it could be. So what does this have to do with Joe? Well, he always visits and speaks very highly of his birthplace. It’s nice to hear positive talk about my hometown and I love Joe for that!

 2. Joe Loves Costco

Photo Courtesy: Buzzfeed

Wherever Joe goes he has a good time…and that includes trips to Costco. Quite some time ago, Buzzfeed published an article about Joe’s trip to a Costco in Washington D.C. There are a series of amazing photos chronicling Joe’s trip through the store. He’s meeting, greeting and buying a bunch of shit. How can you not love a man who can have that much fun at a Costco?

Check out the article chronicling Joe’s Costco adventure here!

3. He Doesn’t Take Himself That Seriously

I’m sure that there are times when Joe’s job is a bit stressful. The good thing about Joe is that he has the ability to leave work at the office and get a little wild after quitting time.

There are many examples floating around the web of Biden gone wild, but this one is my absolute favorite so far. This video debuted at the White House Correspondents Dinner held last night. Check out the cameos from Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Michelle Obama!

Joe, if you’re reading this, know that I love you lots and don’t change for anyone. Jill Biden…it’s on!