a Look Back | February 2017

By Midwesterngirl @MidwesternGirl5
I think one of the biggest truths in life is just how quickly time flies.
It's absolutely terrifying.
Every time I look through my old scrapbooks, I find myself saying, "I just can't believe how much these kids have changed," or "How could that possibly have been (insert number here) years ago??? It feels like just yesterday!" 
And those feelings are the exact reasons why I scrapbook.
I just can't imagine not having those moments...not being able to relive those memories. 
It's one of my greatest joys in life...along with that moment when all of the kids leave for school in the morning and I know I have a FULL DAY of solitude and quiet...sigh...so so good...
In my effort to try to get people to write stuff down, and to take & print more photos, I've decided that, every weekend, from now until I get super bored with it, or until I completely forget (both of which are entirely possible), I'm going to post an older layout (or two) of mine.
I'm hoping to inspire you to start documenting...to start creating your own ways to relive your memories.
Quite frankly, I'm hoping to make you see just how valuable scrapbooking, in all its forms, and in any way you choose to do it, can be.
Here's this weekend's...

12x12 Sibling Scrapbook Page - Maggie Massey

Created for Studio Calico - February 2017 - Confidant Kits

I LOVE Grayson's face in this photo...
Sibling love, right?
Heidi Swapp said something years ago that I will never forget. And I'm super-paraphrasing here...but she said, "When you look at a single photo, it sparks so many memories...you can suddenly remember not only the event, but maybe the food, or maybe the weather, or a million other things you thought you had forgotten."
And that's so true.
Just by looking at this photo, I remember so much about this day.
And I guess that's what all this documenting stuff is about, right?
Thanks so much for stopping by today!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend...
Want to make something similar?
These supplies were exclusive to Studio Calico, and are no longer available...but here are some similar items:
Gold Foil Chipboard Alpha
Wood Stars
Here are the digital stamps from the kits, these are still available:
Confidant Digital Stamps - Studio Calico
Looking for more 12x12 inspiration?
Take a look at these posts:
Love...a Layout...Hello Gorgeous! | Heidi Swapp
Pineapple Crush - a layout (via Heidi Swapp)
Scrapping with the Hawthorne Foam Stickers (via Heidi Swapp)
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