A Little Update from Me in the Midst of COVID-19

By Flemmingbo

Hi everyone. How are you all doing? Hope you are all keeping safe and well. We are in uncharted territory, making up history as we go along. That is a quote from Terminator 2 but it seems to fit these days.

I range from panic attacks to crying to optimism and then bursts of creativity. And that is just in a day. My girlfriend Charlene is safe and home in Singapore and that is a big relief. But when we will see each other again is impossible to know and cause for much anxiety. I miss you my love. Day by day the world changes at the moment, so we just have to wait and see.

All music gigs and large events meaning all income is cancelled for me and everyone in the music and entertainment industry. All my commercial work is events based, music, cinema, fashion, so it all dried up in a day. I hope all my friends in the industry will pull through but these are very difficult times. I miss live music like the Desert Miss the Rain. It will be back fortunately.

I have been recording a vlog that will come out soon and I hope to keep it going. I want to try and inspire myself and you to what we as photographers can do from home. First one is about creating your portfolio. I’m also going to do a Q&A today on my IG story. I’m just trying to gently keep myself going without forcing it too much or I stress myself out as I did a few weeks ago trying to be wildly productive in a state of shock. I have to accept we are kinda in a state of shock and operate at maybe 50% capacity. Some days it is OK to just feel like shit and then try again next day.

Hope you are OK, let me know if there is anything I can do. Even if it is just chatting. I’m not the best at reaching out so I am writing this to get the ball rolling.

Together apart, one love.


The picture is one of my favourite pictures of myself at work, shot by my friend Søren @tourmanagerthemindsof99