For a long time now, I’ve been a fan of Lisette’s ‘Thankful Thursday’ posts, and although it’s not a Thursday, I felt this week like I wanted to write a little homage to them. I guess ultimately, what with all that’s going on in the world at the moment, we could all do with taking a moment to appreciate the things we sometimes take for granted and to realize that most of us could be a lot worse off. So here are a few of the things I’ve been feeling grateful for lately;
Workin’ 9 til 5 - I’ve always considered myself a ‘5 arrives and then straight out the door’ when it comes to work kinda gal. For the last few weeks in the office though (as sad as it may be) I’ve pretty much dreaded leaving on a Friday (if it weren’t for the pre-weekend after hours tipples, I may have camped over!). Work has proven a welcome distraction alongside the lovely team I manage being super understanding and doing their best to keep me upbeat. And, sometimes, it’s just nice to know that you’re killing it and not cocking up on at least one front! Tonight is the first of an impressive three Christmas parties the company is hosting, so despite the nerves I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, I’m prepping myself for a free bar and three courses of merriment.
For those who listen - During times of emotional turmoil, I am quite the fickle creature when it comes to music. There’s a list as long as your arm of songs I just plain refuse to listen to right now - including anything festive or Phil Collins for fear of tears (it happened – in the middle of Sainsbury’s – it won’t be given chance to happen again!) which I guess effectively makes me the world’s biggest Grinch this year. Equally though, I have my own little ‘playlist’ of what I have decided to deem ‘kick-ass’ songs that keep getting added to on a daily basis – the end result of which will almost certainly mean world domination being achieved (at least that’s what I tell myself). Coldplay’s new album is also out today which excites me greatly – it’s not often I go out and pick up a physical copy of a record now but that is what I did over lunch, and I shall be spending my weekend getting to know it. The title is particularly apt (or so I am told), so I expect to be in for a treat! Martin’s wise post Gwyneth words will be mine to interpret whichever way I wish to :’) And, if that weren’t enough – Monday evening is Mumford evening in the Echo Arena so I am looking forward to giving my vocal chords a good workout whilst sinking a few beers at the same time - no doubt the sort of thing that comes a close second behind ‘time’ when it comes to being the greatest healer.
Good friends are like stars - Finally and most importantly – my mates. My bloody wonderful mates of whom there are few true, but no better. The ones that keep me entertained by sending me hilarious selfies and telling me what an [insert expletive here] said individual Is (SLS), the ones who tell me when I’m being a numpty and need to snap out of it (RPD), and the ones who don’t judge, who tell me how great I am, allow me to moan and who keep the fire of romantic stoicism burning inside me through their endless classic novel/film scene comparisons and quotes of positivity (LAD). I freaking love you all millions you amazing beings <3
Anyone else want to add re what they are feeling particularly thankful for lately?
Sarah x