A Little Lunch in Lovettsville (Market Table Bistro)

By Withthegrains @WithTheGrains

August 31, 2012

The road typically offers made-to-order sandwich menus ending forcibly in Z sounds, but occasionally, the road can bring a pleasant surprise. On an August wander to a special wedding, lunch was a case of the latter, thanks to Market Table Bistro.

An antique store is what initially pulled us off our path. A little meander through farmlands put us in front of a plate of deviled eggs, with pickled fixins’ and little snappy pea shoots(?), set against the backdrop of a quaint and quiet town.

In the spirit of the south, we ordered the catfish sandwich with roasted potatoes, but the real winner- no surprise here- was the pulled pork! I find it hard to resist pulled pork, especially from a lunch spot that has close ties to local purveyors.

Market Table Bistro boasted an interior reminiscent of a New England cottage with its slate blue walls, stone fireplaces and white accents. However, we were intent on enjoying the last bits of August on their large patio. Had we not been basking in the sunlight, we may have sampled the early signs of fall in the soup du jour.

Should you not have a bride awaiting your arrival, do take some time to sit on the bistro’s rocking chairs near their raised beds of herbs and vegetables, but as for us, we had other places to be. All in all, Market Table Bistro was a pleasant surprise, and we were quite grateful for steering off course.