A Little Gratitude for The Gluten Free “Fad”

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

Recently, I read an article about people choosing to live a gluten free lifestyle even though they don’t have Celiac disease. I can’t remember where I read it or what it was called. In summary, it cautioned people who don’t have Celiac to not choose gluten free food, because it will basically ruin their life. The authors were concerned about nutritional deficiencies and that non-Celiac people would pay more money for food for no reason. I see a lot of articles that question the value of going gluten free for those that don’t have to. I see a lot of articles making fun of people adopting a gluten free lifestyle simply because they’ve chosen to and not because they need to. But, I have a different perspective. As a person with Celiac I’m grateful for those people.

Why? Well, do any of you happen to remember the world before gluten free became a fad? Do you remember going to a restaurant where you could eat nothing except salad and the dressing you brought yourself? Do you remember when there were no gluten free bread, cakes, and cookies? Do you remember what it was like when people pitied you vehemently because there was quite literally nothing you could eat except meat and vegetables? Do you remember work luncheons that stressed you out because you had to be the freaky one that brought your own food or didn’t eat at all?

The gluten free food movement has really blossomed because of the wider base of people following a gluten free lifestyle. Let’s face it. There aren’t that many people with Celiac disease. Food companies, restaurants, etc. wouldn’t bother catering to the less than 1 percent of people with the disease. However, when going gluten free became a thing the options began to expand. Also, the more people have become aware of how food effects them, the more food allergies have become normalized. If you have a child with food allergies it’s considered much more normal now than it was twenty years ago when I was going to school. People are more aware. People are more sensitive. A conversation has been started. Is it perfect? No. But, it’s better than it used to be.

The gluten free food movement has really blossomed because of the wider base of people following a gluten free lifestyle.

So, I’m thankful for people who are exploring the idea of how food effects them. I’m grateful for people trying to educate themselves on food ingredients and health information surrounding food choices. I’m grateful for people who go gluten free even though they don’t have Celiac. I’m just grateful for the increased awareness, respect, and dialog around the issue. What about you?

Alicia is a super mom, wife, competitive athlete, and freelance writer. Find out more about her everyday adventures by liking her on Facebook.