A Letter to the Overwhelmed

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

This goes out to anyone who is dealing with chronic illness, pain, depression or anxiety. This is for anyone who has trouble getting of bed sometimes whether mentally or physically. This is for anyone who has ever been told not to tell anyone that anything is wrong because they won’t get the job, the promotion, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife. This is for anyone who has struggled just to make it halfway through the day, just to hear “What’s wrong? You don’t look sick.” This is for anyone who lives in fear of their mind or body betraying them. Or their friends and family tiring of them. This is to anyone considering therapy but is just told to “Walk it off.”  To those who want children but can’t have them. To those who are taking care of someone else’s children. To those who have children with special needs. To the caregivers who bravely take on one thing more, but silently pray for just about 30 things less. To those who can’t figure out which bills to pay next month. To those who suddenly go from caretaking to being cared for. This is for anyone who loves someone struggling with depression or addiction. (Whether it’s cocaine or cake). To the ones in the family that always step up and handle crises without complaint, not because they want to but because there are no other options. To those who seem to have everything, that feel now they have nothing. This is for anyone who feels so overwhelmed that if someone sincerely asked “How can I help?” they would have absolutely no idea where to start.


You can and will get through this. No matter what happens. You will be ok. This is just one chapter in your life book and the ending hasn’t been written yet. Stay the course. Even if they don’t make it, you will. Even if you have to remind yourself every 15 minutes. You will make it. You matter. Even if it’s just to your cat and the plants. You matter.

…and you will be fine.

image credit:Copyright: stockbroker / 123RF Stock Photo