A Letter to My Mother.

By Suvenchow
Dear mommy, 
Happy Birthday, mommy dearest. 
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. 
Thank you for loving me unconditionally. It's now that I'm a mother, that I finally understand the amount of love a parent has for her child. It's infinite and knows no bounds. I'm sorry if I seem unappreciative when I was younger, I guess everyone goes through the same stage as a teenager, only to realize that their mother is the best thing that could have happened to them. I love you mommy. 
Thank you for not giving up on me. It's now that I'm a mother, that I finally understand the level of faith  a parent has for her child. It's higher than Mount Everest that no measure of height is enough to justify it. I'm sorry if I've given you a hard time growing up as a kid, I guess every parent has to go through it to the brink of almost giving up, only to realize that all those hard work raising your kid is totally worth it. I'm worth it, mommy, and I love you. 
Thank you for being my best friend. It's now that I'm a mother, that I finally understand how important it is to be your child's best friend. It's so important that it should your top priority, other than love, on your parental to-do-list. I'm sorry if I've ever taken our friendship for granted, I guess it is only when we become parents that we realize no one is going to understand better than your mother what you're going through and to be there constantly to keep you grounded. I love you mommy. 
Thank you for not being the perfect mom. It's now that I'm a mother, that I finally understand that there's no such thing as perfect parenting. There's no need to be perfect. I guess it is only when we have kids of our own that we realize parenting is not about being the perfect mom and dad, it's really about being the best parent you can to your child. You (and papa) did the best you could for me, even when our family was striving to make ends meet back then. I love you mommy. 
Most importantly, thank you for being my mommy. It's now that I'm a mother, that I finally understand how lucky I am to have a mother. Some never had the privilege of having a mother, and I'm fortunate enough to have one of the best in the world. I'm sorry if I've ever hurt you physically (giving birth to me) and emotionally (being a brat while growing up), I guess that's why women are born to be stronger than men in this sense. We are able to endure tremendous pain giving birth to our babies, and still be strong enough to go back to taking care of the family the very next day. Now that I've gone through the same thing myself, I know first hand how much you've sacrificed emotionally, mentally, and physically for the family. I love you mommy. 
Happy birthday mommy. May the coming years be healthier, greater and better for you. I love you. <3