A Letter to My Baby on Her First Birthday.

By Thesamanthashow

My dearest Piper Rose,

Happy birthday sweet girl! I cannot believe that you’ve been earth side with us for an entire year already.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant with you, I knew there was a bigger reason than I was even aware of. You were meant to teach us and remind us that children are one of the greatest gifts we can be given in this lifetime. There is no perfect timing, no perfect way, and no perfect situation. A child is a blessing and we have been so blessed to have you as part of our family.

You’ve been a mama’s girl since day one. From the moment I heard your first cry and they laid you on my chest, you immediately found sanctuary and comfort with each breath I took. You made the sweetest little cooing sounds and knew that I was your mama. After all, you had heard my heartbeat for 36 weeks and 6 days from the inside and you knew exactly who I was and what that meant to you.

You grasped my finger with your tiny hand and I fed you for the first time. And a year later, here we are, still nursing and sharing that special bond. People keep asking me how long I’m going to do it and when you’re going to stop and I tell them that when the time is right. When you’re ready, that’s when I’ll stop. But my goal was a year and I’m proud to say that even through your NICU stay and my medical scare, we exclusively breastfed for an entire year.

You’ve also been a fighter since day one. Having you admitted to the NICU and seeing you attached to so many wires and machines was undoubtedly one of the scariest times of my life. But you proved to us how strong you really were and after 5 days, we headed home to join your brother and sister. Who despite their reactions when they found out you were a girl (mostly your brother…), were smitten and felt unconditional love instantly.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing you smile. Your gummy little smile and the way your eyes light up when I walk into the room is something I will always cherish. Your daddy jokes that he wishes I looked at him the way you look at me but it’s the truth. You make me feel like the best mama in the world, even on the days I don’t feel like I’m being the best I can be.

And although your smile makes me happy, it makes everyone happy. You radiate love and positivity and have given me so much of my life back. There was a time I felt lost and unhappy with all of the changes going on and you were exactly what I needed. I needed you more than you needed me and for that, I’m forever grateful.

You love to snuggle and I love that you prefer co-sleeping with me over your crib. Your dad might disagree but I miss you when you’re not next to me. I find comfort in your breaths, just the way you found comfort in mine the day you were born. People keep telling me to put you down when you’re sleeping but I disagree. I want to hold you for as long as I can and know that when you’ve outgrown my arms and my lap, I took advantage of every minute I could. I’ll sleep again one day but for now, I’ll take your snuggles over sleep in a heartbeat.

You love to run and play tag. You’ve become extremely fond of dancing. Baby Shark is your jam and your brother and sister even enter the room each morning with the “Duh duh” sound and you light up with excitement. You love to follow them around and be near them, except when you don’t and you’ll tell them with a scream of annoyance. I hope you’re always that opinionated and vocal and go after exactly what you want in life.

You love to bring me a book and sit on my lap. Touch and Feel books are your favorite but really you just like to flip the pages over and over again. Watching you learn new tricks and things amazes me and you’re already so smart. You’ve been talking and walking for months now and although I wish I could slow time down, I know that’s just not possible. With each milestone I cry a little on the inside because I know it’s the last time I’m going to experience a first so please, for your moms sake, don’t grow too fast.

You’re going to do big things, little one. You’ve already grown into your own little person with a big personality and it’s only going to get better. I can’t wait to make memories with you and watch you grow into the person you’re going to be. You’re my last baby and you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. A bond that only you and I share and that I will be forever thankful for.

Thank you for being the missing puzzle piece and joining this party of 5. I can’t imagine my life without you and thank God everyday for the greatest gift… YOU!

Happy birthday Piper Rose, we love you!

Love always,
