A Letter of All Letters.

Posted on the 14 November 2011 by Jayneymoo @jayneymoo

Dear Joseph,

It is a testament to your exquisite skills as an actor and my uncanny need to write that I am here, writing this letter – the first I have ever written to a celebrity before (Santa Klaus doesn’t count).

It is difficult to know where to start! How I think your acting blows me away? How seeing you on the screen, you astound and amaze me? How I can't help but feel every emotion with your character? How your face makes my heart flutter? Or how I have eons of respect for a man for supports such a wonderful organisation like Positive Women? Too many avenues to take. I am torn between filling pages and pages with my adoration for you, or choosing to keep it simple (for your sake I will take the latter optionJ)

I remember seeing you in Alexander and thinking briefly “he’s cute”. I remember seeing you in Mansfield Park and marvelling at your versatility. And I remember seeing you in Ben Hur and wondering how someone’s voice could sound so much like sex. But it wasn’t until you were welcomed into my favorite TV show The Vampire Diaries that I truly began to appreciate you as an actor and as more than just a delicious face.

You have taken us on a journey with Klaus that I don’t feel any other actor could have accomplished in such a dedicated, polished and flawless way. Small features of your own personality leech through into this complex character and make him the Original we all love and adore. You are gifted and brilliant; demonstrated through Klaus’ character development and through your love for this show.

It will be a sad, sad day when Klaus leaves The Vampire Diaries (though who knows? He may stay – Julie and Kevin may see to that ;)) but I have no doubt that you will go on to do many fantastic things (testified by those of your fang fans who have already seen Immortals) and will become one of the “greats”. I will be ready and waiting in front of the TV with a glass of champagne - ready to toast you - when you receive an Academy Award.

As a more recent fang fan I may not have the standing that your ‘original’ followers do – but I still have a dedication that will see you through to the end of your acting career. You have captured me heart and soul Joseph Morgan, and this fan love will never die.

Til the day I meet you and ask for a hug.

Fang-fan-fully yours,

Jayne Balke