A Letter from Someone I Used to Be – Guest Posting

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

Today I’m proud to say that I’m the “superhero” guest poster on the Mental Health Talk website.  The site is an amazing resource for anyone with mental health issues and Trish, the owner of the site is a sweet, supportive lady who is extremely open and easy to talk to.  Please go check it out – my post is titled A letter from someone I used to be and is basically thoughts about my mental health story and what I’ve been through.  This is the first time I’ve sort of told my entire story – so if you’re interested, I’d love to hear what you thought about it either in the comments there, the comments here or even by email (bewilderedbug (AT)gmail (DOT) COM).

Cheers and head on over to Mental Health Talk to tell Trish I said hello.