A Letter From God to Me

By Tombasson @tombasson

Sometimes when we read the Bible we forget that many of the books are actually letters. Personal letters written by real people with real emotion, and real empathy. One of my favorite of these letters is Paul’s dear letter to Philemon. Here it is again, except this time I’ve substituted Philemon’s context for my own…

The Epistle of God to St Thomas (adapted from Paul’s letter to Philemon)

This is a letter from Christ to my beloved son, Thomas, and to the church that meets in his neighbourhood.

May God the Father give you grace and peace. I  always thank My Father when I pray for you, Tom, because I keep hearing of your faith and the love you have for all people. I am praying that you will now start putting into ACTION the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand more fully, and experience more deeply, all the good things I have in store for you and the church.

Your attitude has brought me much joy and comfort, and I am excited for the journey you are about to begin with Me. That is why I am boldly asking a favour of you. Of course, I could demand it, but because of my love for you, I prefer simply to ask.

I appeal to you to fight for justice in this world, starting with yourself. Do not be complacent with the wrongs you see around you, and work hard to resist the corrupt systems of this world. Never give up, and always remember that I am with you in everything. Be strong and courageous, and I am confident that you will do what I ask and even more in my Name!

One more thing… Please prepare a guest room for me, for I desire to be near you. Learn to know my voice, and always rely on Me to fulfill your deepest desires for affection. Allow my voice to guide you day-by-day as you make decisions and lead my people.

And may my Grace be with you always.