A La Mode: Served with Love

By Icecreamed
  1. Pie- A classic, we know, but it just had to make the list. Who doesn’t love sweet apple pie topped with ice cream? If you are looking for an exotic pairing, check out our post on unique Thanksgiving pie and ice cream combinations.

  2. Waffles- If you are going for the waffles, why not go all the way? If the option isn’t listed directly on the menu, most restaurants are more than happy to serve it “a la mode” upon request. Start your day off with a celebration.

  3. Crepes: Do the French eat their crepes with ice cream? Possibly. But there is no denying the simple fact that a sweet and warm crepe is excellent with a small dab of chocolate and a touch of ice cream.

  4. Fruit Salad- For some, ice cream is best enjoyed with lighter cuisine. A small scoop of ice cream can be the perfect companion for your fruit combination.

  5. Brownies- If you like ice cream, chances are you like brownies as well. Scoop some ice cream on top of a warm brownie before curling up for a treat that will leave you smiling from ear to ear.

Do you have any favorite dishes that you prefer a la mode?