A Kierkegaard Bicentennial Roundup

By Praymont

A Kierkegaard bicentennial roundup

Sketch by Christian Olavius Zeuthen (1843)

May 5 was the 200th anniversary of Søren Aabye Kierkegaard's birth, as was noted by Julian Baggini. The anniversary was also the occasion for this piece by Andrew Torrance at Per Crucem ad Lucem.
I rounded up some Kierkegaard links a couple of years ago, including one for Hubert Dreyfus's paper on why Kierkegaard would have hated the internet. (I'm sure Kim Kierkegaardashian would disagree.) Dreyfus spoke about Kierkegaard earlier this month on Philosopher's Zone, hosted by Joe Gelonesi. The other speakers were Patrick Stokes and Tim Rayner.
Three older podcasts on Kierkegaard from: a 2008 episode of In Our Time; a 2010 one from Partially Examined Life; and a 2008 episode of Philosophy Bites.
A collection of videos about Kierkegaard. You can find others, by Dreyfus, on YouTube.
From the University of Edinburgh, Sean Turchin's on-line dissertation about the relation between Kierkegaard and Karl Barth.
W. H. Auden's Introduction (pdf) to The Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard.
'The Oddest Prophet' -- Malcolm Muggeridge on Kierkegaard. 
A chapter on Kierkegaard and Sartre from Jacques Maritain's book called Moral Philosophy.
The text of Lev Shestov's Kierkegaard and the Existential Philosophy.
From a 1945 issue of The New Republic, Jean Wahl's 'Existentialism: A Preface'.
Two pdf's: Merold Westphal's 'Commanded Love and Moral Autonomy: The Kierkegaard-Habermas Debate' and Alastair Hannay's 'Kierkegaard: the pathologist'.
William McDonald's 'Love in Kierkegaard's Symposia'.
John Updike's 2005 review of a Kierkegaard biography in the New Yorker. The first part of Joakim Garff's biography.
From First Things in 2004: 'Kierkegaard for Grownups' by Richard John Neuhaus. Earlier this May, William Doino, Jr. has a piece on Kierkegaard in the same journal.
'Kierkegaard the Novelist and Three Kierkegaardian Novels: The Moviegoer, The Sportswriter and Rabbit, Run'.
Two items of interest in the NY Times.
Several volumes edited by Jon Stewart on Kierkegaard's influence.
A lot more Kierkegaard links.