A Jew Pays a Visit to My Blog

Posted on the 19 March 2016 by Calvinthedog

A Jewish person wrote this:

I certainly agree with you, Bob that “MOST Jews are subhuman scum”. These parasitical vermin are certainly disproportionately the cause of virtually all evil in the world today, not only their oppression of the Palestinian people – for which, by the way, ALL Jews are responsible. I agree with Gilad Atzmon that there is certainly no such thing as a genuinely “anti-Zionist Jew”; just competing forms of scheming kikes seeking to control and dispossess others. The only “good Jew” is a dead one!

I do not believe in any of these words that these nutcase put into my mouth. This guy is Jewish. I know that for a fact. He has been following me around for a very long time. He has been doing this exact same thing for many years now. For a long time, he was out of New York City, where he was going to college. Then he moved to Chicago. I have no idea where he is now. He is a young Jewish man. When he started, I think he was in his early 20’s. I think now he must be in his late 20’s to early 30’s. He4 has a couple of purposes here:

To frame me as some sort of a Nazi by putting Nazi words in my mouth and making it like I believe in Nazism. I am absolutely opposed to Nazism in every way,shape and form and I want nothing to do with it whatsoever.

To frame me as some sort of a crazed anti-Semite. I’m a lousy anti-Semite. I think a lot of Jews act horrible, and that’s why people don’t like them very much, but a lot of them act good too (look at Bernie Sanders) and a lot of others are somewhere in between. The problem is way too many Jews act way too awful. How do they act awful? Well look at this idiot’s behavior for example. Why do you think people don’t like these people? Way too many of them act like this guy – infuriating.

To frame the pro-Palestinian movement as virulently anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi and pro-genocide of the Jews. Granted all of these trends are present in the movement to one degree or another, but the Nazism and the genocidal thinking are not prominent.

The only people who feel that way are White Supremacists, many of whom have jumped on board with the pro-Palestinian cause as a way to beat up Jews and for no other reason. In other words, these people could care less about Palestinians and most of them even think that they are “muds” and are into this movement solely due to their anti-Semitism and for no other reason. Most Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims are not fans of Nazism or genocidal anti-Semitism.

I have been told that there are many Jews running around the Internet doing exactly what this guy is doing – operating as agents provocateurs. Sometimes I think that for every real Nazi on the Net, there’s some lunatic Jew pretending to be a Nazi for some sick, insane reason. This behavior does not reflect very well on the Jewish people. People already don’t like Jews a whole lot as it is, and this behavior is just going to make people dislike them even more. Or is that the purpose? To create new enemies?