A Hobbit’s Garden

By Danielcarruthers

I suppose that given that we were not far from Middle Earth – or so the map indicated – I shouldn’t have been surprised to happen upon a garden that gave every indication of being created by a hobbit and a very industrious hobbit at that.

Blurry back view of hobbit – they are very shy

Not only had he planted this extensive hillside garden, he had also built the house which I was given a tour of as part of the admission – and if anyone is after somewhere extremely quirky to stay should they be in this area then this is definitely your place.

The garden climbs the hillside with planting that is abundant and informal – roses weave in amongst cordylines, cardiocrinums tower above surrounding plants, multi-stemmed shrubby echiums buzz with bees as paths weave in and out of the planting, all framed by arches, moon gates and rustic artworks created by the presiding genius.

Hundreds of lilies will come into flower in the next few weeks, spreading their perfume across the garden, but at the moment it is the scent or roses that permeates every corner. I did notice a For Sale sign so I’m not sure how much longer this garden will survive, but I am so glad that I had the opportunity to visit it. It’s a bit bonkers, very beautiful and must represent many years of backbreaking work – Mr Hobbit I salute you.

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