A Hiker and Diver Delightful Day Out

By Linda

photo: 'Trout in the Trees' by Craig Neumann

Gruner See, an alpine lake in Steiermark, is a hiker and diver delight. And if all that traipsing and swimming about proves tiring, there’s even an underwater bench where you can rest those failing fins!

Lake Gruner See

If you happen to be staying in Stadl an der Mur, lake Gruner See is about a  2 hour scenic drive into the Hochswab mountains and forests – an area that for 6 months of the year is a country park and for the rest of the time a diver’s delight, providing a unique underwater experience for all abilities.

The lake gets its name from the grass and foliage beneath its crystal clear waters, which are derived from the snow-melt of the karst (limestone) mountains. These mountains are characterised by subterranean caverns, carved by underground water. During spring, as the snow-melt floods the surrounding pastures, trout can be seen swimming serenely over delicate alpine flowers.

Mid-May and June provides a welcome window of opportunity for divers to enjoy the freshwater (though freezing – temperatures around 6-8 C) flora and fauna. Snails, water flea, small crabs and trout are in abundance. With visibility between 30-100 metres, the crystal clear waters and white sands might easily be mistaken for the Caribbean - if it were not so blooming cold!

With July comes the receding of the waters; once more the pristine alpine park emerges and hikers take to the hills.