A Greyton Weekend Part II

By Crushland @crushland

Yesterday I got a call from a lady at the farm, letting me know that we forgot a pillow in the cottage and that she would make a plan to send it down to Cape Town. Isn’t that sweet? Of course I couldn’t let her go through all that trouble, but I appreciated the gesture.

I meant to find out the name of this huge, bossy chicken who roamed around like he owned the place but never got the chance. Does he look like a Nando? Or a Colonel?

Being a chicken like a boss.

He kept the kids thoroughly entertained, who leapt out of bed early mornings to feed him. The duck is his loyal sidekick, never far behind. In the afternoon we went for a walk to explore the river and weir.

Is this not the bridge from The Three Billy Goats Gruff?

And found a picturesque bridge along the way.Y’s lovely sister Zainap, the mom of two of my most featured subjects on this blog! This is a weir. I had no idea what it was until I saw it. It happens to be the swimming spot in summer. That’s me, being weir, in 50 shades of gray.We also spotted a friendly water nymph who danced for us. Can you see her? One arm raised high, head back, clutching her bosom.  The bulls. The meadow in which they graze ends at the side of the cottage, and late one night we must’ve been too rowdy at the fire and one of them came over to moo at us. It was more of a mggrrrhh than neat little socially acceptable moo! After the exploring it was park time. Soon my giggles of glee dissipated into shrieks of terror (and mild threats) when I was pushed way too high, on purpose. It looks like a baby swing right? This should put things into perspective. Jumping was much more pleasant. But of course the boys would take it to the next level. The girls, being cute as buttons.Our kids were little Bachs, Beethovens and Ray Charles’, and being in the middle of nowhere with no one around to be annoyed we let them play to their hearts content. Some treasures around the place. When the cold starts creeping in, we pulled the couches closer to the fire and got ready to snuggle in and get toasty.

I saved the visit to the Greyton town, which is 30 mins from the farm, for another post. We found an intricate, elaborate doll house that needs lots of post space!