A Glimpse Inside

By Youngandcraftysisters

This post is coming to you from Hannah:

I have been debating for a long time whether or not I should share some deeply personal information with my readers. Some of you may have noticed that I have not done any projects at my house in quite a few months. The reason for that is because I am now divorced. I’m obviously not going to go into any details about what happened. This has been one of the most soul searching, roller coaster rides I have ever been on.

However, I can honestly tell you that I am joyful and happy. I have already experienced things that I would have never experienced had I still been married. I wouldn’t have gotten to go on the amazing trip to Europe with my sister, my relationship with my parents wouldn’t have been strengthened, and my relationship with other friends and family has become even better.

I’ve learned that I have an amazing support group. I’ve learned that you can only control your own actions. I’ve learned that in time, things do get better. I’ve learned that I have a lot to look forward to. I’ve learned that life should be seized and to find joy in the little things.

So what does this mean for my future and this blog? I am moving to a new city, the same city my sister lives in! I am starting a new job this fall.  I am moving into a one bedroom apartment and will be purging a lot of the things I have. I really want to go in a whole new direction for my new place. That means new decorations! I am excited for what lies ahead and I will continue to share my crafting adventures with all of you! If you haven’t heard the song Follow Your Arrow by Kacey Musgraves, go You tube it! I will be following my arrow and becoming the best person I can be :)

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