A girl with a key, a car and wanting to drive all over France. I woke her up early this morning to declare that it had stopped raining, "Brocante baby!"
We were out of the house in fifteen minutes and on the road. Of course I fell in and out of sleep the entire way, but my friend Allison knows all about that.
Going to the brocante is more than finding old things. The towns that they are held in have plenty of pretty up their sleeves, down their streets and history to lap up.
Never disappointing.
Thankfully Allison and Maggie like to explore. Love taking photos. Love good food. Love the off beaten track.
Love the brocante too.
Their easy makes for good times.
Appreciating every little thing. Creativity flows from such.
I found a bunch of santons in various little match boxes.
Jesus in a box for safe keeping.
I met another friend while at the brocante who was having a hard time. I felt for her as she told me her story. Then I had an idea, and called French Husband, you see she needed legal advice, and I knew he could put her in the right direction. They talked for a very long time. A softness came over her, I knew French Husband had given her a key. Later my friend put a bunch of old sweet things in a bag for me as a thank you. I told her that wasn't needed, her peace of mind was enough for me. But more than that I loved that I could call French Husband early in the morning as it was, and that he would be ready to respond with a generous heart.
Maggie is staying in the tiny house, a stone throw from my home.
This morning at the crack of dawn I called her,
"Do you want to go to the brocante?"
She did not hang up the phone on me, nor I did I need to ask twice. Instead she brought pain aux chocolats for the ride.
I wonder where Allison is taking us tomorrow?
Or maybe she will be jet lagged? Or as she thought out loud, "Maybe we should go to lunch in Tunisia?"
I wouldn't be surprised she once flew to Africa for a long weekend.
Adventure is her middle name.
A girl with a key, happy me along for the ride.
(insert happy face)