Here's what's new out in the garden:
My young Malus (Crabapple) 'Prairie Fire', recently saved from an invasion of tent caterpillars, is in full bloom and I am loving it:
Not so long ago I complained about the lack of variegation on the Salix (Dappled Willow) 'Hakuro Nishiki'. Not so much any more:
Newly in bloom is Geranium 'Espresso', but the foliage is the true winner here:
I have promised my daughter she will faint at the sight of the bloom of Allium 'Globemaster'. Why I planted only one is still a mystery to me:
Here come the peonies and a potential showdown with the neighborhood deer:
I continue to love Juniper 'Gold Cone' more and more:
The heliotrope are planted and me likey:
And the pansies continue to thrive:
My precious lemon has turned into ... well ... a lemon ... and soon we will all enjoy said lemon in some sort of celebratory ceremony, still to be determined: