A Garden Update!

By Sophies Foodie

So, I will give you all a new allotment update from what has happened in our beloved large allotment garden? Let’s see,..

Hi, I greet you here in our beloved garden in full sunshine! :)

Hi, from the garden! :)

Here you see the last of the pumpkins on the field,… You can spot the lovely red-orange Japanese Uchiki Kuri on the left & the lovely big green Musque de Provence from France on the right side of course! In the middle, you see one of 6 American Butternut Pumpkins. Here below is one of 6 New Zealand Spinach plants! We ate a lot of the lovely spinach & it all grw back quickly too! We already froze a whole lot for later in Wintertime! ;)

We carried many pumpkins into this lovely carriage to the car! We needed to harvest them because of the frost!

We still have a few long yellow beans & green long beans because we only planted them late! We ate about 3 kg yellow beans & the rest we froze to enjoy later in the year.

yellow long beans

We have had about 2 kg long green beans. There are a lot still growing but it is a small plot. We grow vertical here! :) The plot is only 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters.

Long green beans!

You see, I know that you would love these long green beans! It is all about the flavor, flavor, flavor!

What else has happened?

6 Summer leeks!

A Black Tuscany kale plant! I have 2! :)

We have been eating many of the black kale leaves, always taken from the bottom of the plant. We ate a lot but you can’t see it on the plant! It regrows again & again! :) Very yummy too! :)

There is still growing a lot in our cold frame. We opened it up in Full Summer. There are 3 flat-leaf parsley plants, 2 bunches of spring onions, still small though, 1 Chioggia beet & the 2nd sow of asian cut away leaves. You still see on the oft, the last of the Summer purslane.

The cold frame!

Now, we end with 2 of the last Summer beets, Bolivar! :)

So, I hope you enjoyed the tour! Soon we can eat harvest a few of the topinambours, aka Jerusalem artichokes. There is a white cabbage growing under the net. It needs to grow a whole lot bigger before we can harvest it. We still have about 5 Summer leeks under the net. We must eat a whole lot of NZ Spinach. In Wintertime, we only going to plant garlic bulbs & wild leek bulbs. For the rest, we must prepare the soil for Winter. We don’t know yet whet new things we will be growing,…We are still thinking! :) See you all soon! :) Stay Tuned! If you liked this post & want more of themjoin 1,347 email followers! Subscribe by email! It is free!    

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Sophies Foodie Files

Filed under: Gardening