A Garden Stroll on Easter

By John Markowski @jmarkowski0

A garden tour from this Easter afternoon:
Viburnum buds continue to progress. And I realize just how many ornamental grasses I have based on their need to constantly photo bomb:

See what I mean?

What is interesting with these Mt Hood daffodils is how the trumpets start off yellow and eventually settle in pure white:

The Summer Snowflake blooms are appearing in bunches now, but I was more intrigued by the early evening sun on these bulbs:

More and more leafing out on the trees:

The lilac shrubs have shown signs of life for the first time:  

The peonies continue to emerge and unfurl:

I planted two Leymus (Blue Lyme Grass) 'Blue Dune' in containers last summer and let them overwinter outdoors. They didn't take long to appear again this spring:

The Dappled Willow (Salix 'Hakuro-nishiki') has fully leafed out and looks better than ever:

The tulips I overwintered in the garage actually bloomed (yeah buddy) so I made sure to bring them indoors where they could be gleefully ogled:  

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend.

Ours was kind of awesome.